18%+ Energy Saving Fans | Sludge Drying

Heat Pump Sludge Dryer

Heat pumps play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency, as outlined in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Detwek, KM EnergyTech’s supplier of heat pumps, specializes in heat transfer through industrial heat pump systems used in various drying applications, including industrial sludge, fruit, and bean drags. This technology has already found applications in diverse industries such as petrochemicals, steelmaking, refining, plating, and food processing. Detwek’s heat pump technology has demonstrated significant success in reducing solid sludge output by at least 50% compared to untreated sludge. In fact, more than 100 users in Taiwan and Vietnam have reported a waste reduction of over 500 tons per day through the implementation of Detwek’s heat pump technology.

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